Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishwavidya Pratishthanam

Operated By Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajiva Hitavah Trust

Shreemad Bhagavat Katha ( 08 to 14 Jan -2008)

In the pious memory of daughter AN Hansaben Jethabhai Nardani, her father Shree Jethabhai Kalyanbhai Nardani, UK (Village – Kera) and Naradani family decided for a Bhagawat Katha Parayan.
Simultaneously, in the pious memory of father AN Shree Ramjibhai Brijlalbhai Jogi, son Shree Jitesh Ramjibhai Jogi, (South Africa) and entire family decided for Bhagawat Katha Parayan with the inspiration of Shree Gunavantbhai Revashankarbhai Sodha (South Africa).
Both of them decided to arrange Bhagawat Katha at Gurukul Ahmedabad narrated by Sadguru Shastri Madhavapriyadasji Swami as a chief orator. 
On January 7, 2008, Phothi Yatra was arranged. It was followed by the Poojan of Pothiji, Orator and four Samhita Parayan.
Sadguru Shastri Shree Madhavapriyadasji Swami explained the katha very eruditely. Shastri Shree Bhaktivedantdasji Swami, Shastri Shree Vedantswarupdasji Swami and Purani Shree Premjivandasji Swami also narrated few Charitra of Bhagawan Shree Krishna. Ram-Janm-Utsav, Krishna-Janm-Utsav, Annakut Darshan were celebrated with fervour of devotion.
Saints from Bhuj, Junagadh, Vadatal and other places also graced the occasion and blessed the Yajmans.
On the day of Purnahuti, Pujya Shree Purani Swami and Yajmanas performed worship of Shree Harikrisna Maharaj with Tulasi along with recitation of Janmangal Stotra. Yajmans worshipped saints and readers of Samhita-Path with Dhoti and Garlands. Four Samhita Parayan were performed during Katha.
In the end, Yajmans and all participants expressed the feelings of high satisfaction and pleasure. Devotees from Mumbai, Surta, Rajkot, Panvel, Junagadh also took the benefit of this pious Katha.
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