Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishwavidya Pratishthanam

Operated By Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajiva Hitavah Trust

Satsangi-Jivan Katha Parayan – Kera (Katch-Bhuj) (14 to 18 Dec.-2007)

In the pious memory of father AN Shree Veljibhai Nathabhai Halai and mother AN Shree Radhabai Veljibha Halai, son Shree Jethabhai Veljibhai Halai arranged for the Katha-Parayan of Satsangi-Jivan from 14 December to 18 December 2007 at village Kera (Katch-Bhuj).
Sadguru Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami narrated the Katha eruditely. Shastri Shree Vedantswarupdasji Swami, Purani Shree Premjivandasji Swami also delivered Katha. Shastri Shree Kishorbhai Dave and Shree Ajaybhai recited the Samhita-path of Shreemad Satsangi-Jivan Scripture.
Devotees and relatives from India, Africa and UK also took privileged of this pious occasion of Satsangi-Jivan Katha Prayan narrated by Sadguru Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami. Saints from various places also blessed the occasion with their pious presence and words. Yajman Shree Jethabhai and all participants expressed the feelings of highly satisfaction and pleasure.
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