Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishwavidya Pratishthanam

Operated By Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajiva Hitavah Trust

Prarthanamay Vishwashanti Mahavishnu Yag – SGVP ( 26 to 30 Nov.-2007)

Yagna is one of the Vedic traditions of utmost importance in Indian culture. All incarnations of Bhagawan have affirmed importance of Yagna in human life in one or other way. Bhagawan Shree Swaminarayan have re-established this ancient tradition in society in His unique way. Sadguru Shastriji Maharaj also continued this tradition anew. In fact, the Yagna is the undivided part of Gurukul tradition. 
Sadguru Shatanand Swami bestowed all of us with the Janmangal Stotra, which consists of 108 names of the Almighty Bhagawan Shree Swaminarayan derived from His divine charitras (deeds). Recitation of this Janmnagal Stotra removes miseries and enhances happiness in life, also fulfils the desires. On last ‘Chaturmas’ Pujya Purani Shree Hariswarupdasji Swami inspired the devotees to perform eleven recitations of Janmangl daily. With one thousand participants, it is possible to do one Purascharan of Janmangal daily. Over two thousands devotees contributed enthusiastically with great devotional fervour. As a ‘Dashansh Havan’ of this great Janmangal Anushthan a ‘Prarthanamay Vishwashanti Mahavishnu Yag’ was arranged by Sadguru Purani Swami Shree Bhaktiprakashdasji Swami at SGVP from November 26 to 30, 2007. Participants offered the Aahuties with the Mantra of Janmangal Stotra, Sarvamangal Stotra, Vishnu Sahsra Nam, Purush Sukta, Shree Sukta and Hanuman Sukta.
Ritual of Dehsudhdhi was performed on November 25, 2007 at 04:00 pm for the participants at Gurukul Ahmedabad. On 26 November morning, 07:30 am ritual of Arani Manthan was performed. In this ritual, the holy fire was produced by the friction of wood particularly of tree Aarani.
After the initial poojan and Agni-sthapan in Yagna-Kund the saints and devotees offered the oblations (Ahuties) with the recitation of Janmangal Stotra, Sarvamanagal Stotra, Vishnu-Sahasra Nam and other stotras. During five days, lakhs of Ahuties were offered with the recitation of stotras.
On the day of Purnahuti, Pujyapad Shree Jogi Swamiji bestowed with his divine Darshan and offered the last Ahuty. He blessed Pujya Purani Swami and all participants.
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