Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishwavidya Pratishthanam

Operated By Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajiva Hitavah Trust

Jal Zilani Celebration – 2017

Jal Zilani Celebration Gurukul Droneshwar
At Gurukul Droneshwar, holy event of Jal Zilani Ekadashi was celebrated with great devotional fervour in presence of Sadguru saints and over 20,000 devotees from surrounding villages and from cities Rajkot, Ahmedabad, Surat amd Mumbai.
With the inspiration of Sadguruvarya Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami, saints form SGVP Gurukul visited several villages to inspire for noble life, cleanliness and awareness for environment.

After that on the auspicious day of Jal Zilani Ekadashi, Sep 02, 2017 celebration was organised at Gurukul Droneshwar in the holy presence of Purani Swami Shree Bhaktiprakashdasji Swami and Purani Shree Balkrishnadasji Swami on the bank of Rivar Machchhundri near historic pilgrimage place of Shree Droneshwar Mahadev.

Saints made Thakoraji to swing in the river and four Aarati were performed. Students of Gurukul Ahmedabad and Droneshwar presented various Raas. Pujya Swamiji blessed the event in telephonic way from USA and explained the importance of the Jal Zilani festival. 
In the end all participants enjoyed the Maha-Prasad in the campus of Gurukul Droneshwar.



