Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishwavidya Pratishthanam

Operated By Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajiva Hitavah Trust

Hindu Lifestyle Seminar – UK ( 09 to 11 May -2008)

Sanatan Dharma – ever since the dawn of civilisation the human experience of life has been defined by fluctuations between good and evil, happiness and misery, pleasure and pain. The cause lies with mans ego and base nature, so deeply entrenched in his soul. Sometimes the consequences of turmoil and unrighteousness, due to this ignorance, are so perilous that man cannot resolve them. It is during these periods of grave crises and conflict that God, out of His supreme compassion and grace, descends on Earth to set things right. The very fact that Bhagwan Ram, Krishna, Swaminarayan and other Avatars were so successful in re-establishing Dharma reflects that they were no mere humans but incarnations. Therefore, we need God to liberate us from our personal miseries and global problems that finally affects us as individuals and nations.
With the blessings of Pujyapad Shree Jogi Swamiji and the inspiration of Sadguru Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami a ‘HINDU LIFESTYLE SEMINAR’ was arranged in London, UK from May 09-11, 2008 at Shree Kutch Leva Patel Community Centre (SKLPC). The Seminar was organized by Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Parivar – UK in association with Vascroft Foundation – UK.
On May 09th, evening seminar was inaugurated with lighting up the lamp by the holy hands of Sadguru Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami and other social dignitaries Shree Arajanbhai Vekariya (President of SKLPC), Shree Harilalbhai Halai (Trusty of SKLPC), Shree Manubhai Ramjibhai (Kings Kitchens). Worship of Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan was performed along with recitation of Janmangal Stotra and Vedic Stotras. An inaugural Nrutya presented by the alumni of Gurukul was followed by the group Aarti performed by all participants. In the beginning, a Hindu Lifestyle Seminar Souvenir was released which consisted the various articles and explanations representing the importance and glory of Hinduism.
The evening seminar got underway with a presentation explaining the crowning glory of Hinduism. This took the audience from the beginnings of Hinduism through to the growth of the religion, its view with in the western world and eventually to it importance to language, education etc.
This was followed by Sadguru Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami explaining the importance of Hinduism and idea of Sanatan Dhrma.
The morning session was taken by Shree Vijaybhai, Shastri Shree Bhaktivedantdasji Swami and Pujya Swamiji. Shree Vijaybhai explained and expanded the scientific secrets held within Hinduism. Shastri Shree Bhaktivedantdasji Swami delivered a speech on teachings of Mahabharat and Bhagawat Geeta. Pujya Swamiji explained the significance of sixteen Sanskars of Hindu Dharma with the help of scriptural evidences and interpretation.
The afternoon session began with Kirtan Bhakti and was followed by a displayed Speech from Pujya Purani Shree Hariswarupdasji Swami on ‘Jivan Drashti’. A presentation showed the anatomy and digestive tract of a human being is akin to that of an herbivore – plant eater animal.
It was followed by highly responded event of getting answers or solutions of day to day doubts and queries.
During the course of the afternoon a number of dignitaries attended these included: Lord Navnitbhai Dholakiya, Mr. Tony McNulty MP (Minister of State), Mr. Barry Gardiner MP (Brent North), Mr. Harshadbhai (Mayor, Brent) among many others. Each expressed their delight at what they had seen and the aims of the Hindu Life Style Seminar.
As you would be aware this event corresponded with the disaster caused by cyclone Nargis in Burma. Hence a group pray session was performed in the remembrance of all those affected by such as devastating disaster. An appeal by Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami rose over £ 3000 from the audience to which the Vascroft Foundation added a further £ 2000 allowing Arajanbhai Vekariya to present SEVA INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION with a cheque for £ 5000 to help towards aid for the victims.
The evening session consisted of number of cultural programmes performed by the alumni of Gurukul, these included: Sorathi Raas, Maniyaro Raas, Music and Comedy.
The final day began with a presentation on inspiring virtues from the great personalities of Hinduism. This was followed by the speech on ‘Vachanamrutam & Shikshapatri’ by Shastri Shree Bhaktavatsaldasji Swami.
The final day began with a presentation on inspiring virtues from the great personalities of Hinduism. This was followed by the speech on ‘Vachanamrutam & Shikshapatri’ by Shastri Shree Bhaktavatsaldasji Swami. However, the many bulk of the afternoon was dedicated to a question and answer session in which many people young and old had their quires classified by Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami.
After the final Prasad dinner the session ended a group Raas and Aarti of Purnahuti which was performed by Pujya Swamiji.
The Hindu Life style Seminar received a great response from all those who attended and hopefully helped spread a greater understanding of Hinduism.
A special mention should be given to all the volunteers who made an event like this possible there selfless dedication allowed all those present to enjoy the festivities and received a greater understanding of Hinduism.
Time for refreshment 
Session of getting answers and solutions from Pujya Swamiji was greatly responded. Participants expressed the feelings of satisfaction on getting  routine and religious doubts and queries cleared.
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