Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishwavidya Pratishthanam

Operated By Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajiva Hitavah Trust

Guru Poornima – Savannah – 2019

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The auspicious event of Guru Poornima was celebrated at Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Sanatan Temple Savannah on 13 July 2019.
Saints and devotees performed the Poojan of Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan and Sadgurus to accept the obligation done by Sadgurus. As the day is to know importance of Bhagwan Ved Vyas, worship of holy scripture VED was also performed.
Shastri Shree Sarvamangalsadji Swami explained the importance of the Guru Poornima.


