Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishwavidya Pratishthanam

Operated By Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajiva Hitavah Trust

Guru Poornima Celebration


Guru Poornima – a divine carnival of Guru and Shishya, especially on the path of spirituality and humanity. Gift of knowledge from Guru leads the followers for a happy life and eternal peace & pleasure. Shishya only with folded hands and bowed head shows obligation. Guru gushes a flow compassion & love towards Shishya and disciple is only with reverence towards Guru. What else he can do in return? Just to express his feelings of reverence and obligation the only day of Guru-Poornima is celebrated in the Indian culture.
This is the pious day on which great Rushies of India worshipped Shree Ved Vyasji, the source of divine knowledge intended for the betterment of all beings. On this pious day every follower expresses the sentiments of love, respect and veneration.
In the tradition of Gurukul, Sadguru Shastriji Maharaj, Purani Swami Shree Premprakashdasji Swami, Pujyapad Shree Jogi Swami all elder saints suffered a lot but set a comfortable path of betterment and salvation for infinite devotees from all classes of the society. Saints, alumni and devotees participated in this Guru-Poojan celebration. Along with Gurukul Rajkot, at SGVP as well as Surat, Junagadh, Taravada this festival was celebrated.
At Gurukul Rajkot, first annual Patotsav of Shree Ghanshyam Maharaj and shree Harikrishna Maharaj was performed.  On 29 July in the early morning poojan and Abhishek of Shree Ghanshyam Maharaj ans Shree Harikrishna Maharaj was performed with Panchamrut, Kesar-Jal and sacred Thirth-Jal. Abhishek was followed by Annakut Darshan with delicious sweets and other dishes. Shrugar Arati was performed by Mahant Swami Shree Devkrishnadasji Swami and elder saints. A Shreehari Yag was also performed on this occasion. At noon Purnahuti of this Shreehari Yag was performed.
After Shungar arati, Guru-Vandana & Guru Poojan was arranged. Students presented the programmes of Guru-Vandana. Devotees from various places performed the Guru-Poojan. A small book showing the divine & inspiring life of Pujya Purani Swami Shree Premprakashdasji Swami was released with the holy hands of Mahant Swami shree Devkrishnadasji Swami. A MP3 CD presenting the programme by famous folk-artist Shree Bhikhudasji on Pujyapad Shree Jogi Swami was also released on this occasion.
Pujya Gurudev Shree Devkrishnadasji Swami blessed all participants for better and devotional life. In the end all devotees enjoyed the Bhojan-Prasad.
At SGVP Guru-Poornima celebration was performed in the divine presence of Pujyapad Shree Jogi Swamiji. Devotees from various villages, cities and states participated in this divine occasion. Assembly started with the Poojan of Sadguru Shastriji Maharaj and Pujya Shree Purani Swami Shree Premprakashdasji Swami. Purani Shree Hariswarupdasji Swami explained the importance of Guru in spiritual as well as physical world. Purani Swami Shree Bhaktiprakashdasji Swami blessed on this pious day. Pujyapad Shree Jogi Swamiji is a saint constantly united with Shreeji Maharaj and who have kept himself totally detached from fame, praise and materialism. When assembly was bestowed with the divine Darshan of Pujyapad Shree Jogi Swamiji joy in the heart of every one knew no bounds. Saints and devotees took the privilege of worship of Pujyapad Shree Jogi Swamiji on this very occasion of Guru-Vandana. Devotees from Surat, Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Una, Mumbai etc worshipped the Swamiji with various kinds of garlands. Students of Darshanam Sanskrit Mahavidyalay presented a stage show of and ancient Gurukul tradition and worshipped the Swamiji with Vedic rituals and Vedic recitations. This was an eye-catching presentation.
In the end Purani Shree Balkrishnadasji Swami gave the occasional speech. A fortnightly digital magazine ‘Satsang Vihar’ in form of VCD was also inaugurated on this pious occasion. In the end all participants worshipped Pujya Shastriji Maharaj, Pujya Purani Swami and Pujya Jogi Swami.
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