Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishwavidya Pratishthanam

Operated By Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajiva Hitavah Trust

Foot-wears Distribution – 2018

With the Help the needy people – observing this benevolent command of Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan, with the inspiration of Sadguruvarya Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami and guidance of Puyja Purani Shree Balkrishnadasii Swami, SGVP Gurukul Parivar proceeded on 08 Apr 2018, to distribute the foot-wears to needy people suffering from the extremely hot summer time.

150 Volunteers with 35 vehicles spared 1000 volunteers hours and distributed 4000 pairs of Footwear to needy people on road side, slum area & poor locality.
…. the only way to get happiness is to give happiness.



