Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishwavidya Pratishthanam

Operated By Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajiva Hitavah Trust

Diwali Celebration ( 5 to 10 Oct. – 2007)


The greatness of Indian culture can be experience in various traditions. One of such is the celebration of various kinds of festivals. During the year, Indians celebrate festivals representing and developing the social & spiritual values, humanity, veneration towards supernatural deities, emotions & affection in mutual relations, devotion and pleasure of victory over evilness and many other values essential for better human life in the society. One of such festival is Deepavali lasting for days together. It falls on the last week of last month (Aaso) of Indian calendar.
At Gurukul in the holy presence of Pujyapad Shree Jogi Swamiji and elder saints festival of Deepavali – Diwali was celebrated with zeal and spiritual fervour.
During 05 to 10 November, 2007 in morning as well as evening kirtan Bhakti was performed with Festival Kirtans created by Nand saints.
On the pious day of Dhan-Teras, November 07, an assembly was arranged at SGVP with the Vaidyas (doctors of Ayurved) on the account of Dhanvantary Jayanti. Aaso Vad 13 is the birth day of Bhagawan Shree Dhanvantary – an incarnation of Bhagawan Vishnu in the form of Vaidya-doctor. Sadguru Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami explained the importance of Indian scriptures and Ayurveda.
November 08, Aaso Vad 14 is the day to worship Shree Hanumanji for the protection from the evil influences. Saints and Rushikumars of Darshanam Sanskrit Mahavidalay performed the Poojan of Shree Hanumanji at SGVP.
November 09, the day of Deepavali and Saraswati Poojan. At Gurukul Ahmedabad in the morning 08:30 am devotees in huge number participated for Saraswati Poojan, known as ‘Chopada-Pujan’. Pujya Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami performed the Arati and blessed the devotees for peaceful and prosperous life.
It was followed by the wonderful Annakut Darshan. Pujyapad Shree Jogi Swamiji performed the Arati of Annakut and blessed the devotees.
At Gurukul Rajkot, Chopada-Poojan was held at 04:30 pm. Sadguru Mahant Swami Shree Devkrishnadasji Swami and Sadguru Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami blessed the devotees for peaceful and prosperous life.
At Gurukul Ahmedabad, in the evening session Deepavali was celebrated in a traditional way. Thorne of Shreeji Maharaj was magnificently decorated with clay-lamps. It was resembling the occasion of Shreeji Maharaj celebrating Deepavali at Kariyani as described in Vachanamrutam. After the Kirtan-Bhakti and reading of Vachanamrutam, Pujya Purani Swami Shree Bhaktiprakashdasji Swami blessed the devotees. Shree Rajubhai Patel, Dr. Prafulbhai Sojitra, Shree Maganbhai Bhorania (Rajkot), Shree Mahadevbhai Patel, Shree Maheshbhai Amin took the privilege of festival as Yajmans.
November 10, New Year of Hindu Calendar was celebrated with great joy and pleasure in the holy company of Pujyapad Shree Jogi Swamiji.
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