Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishwavidya Pratishthanam

Operated By Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajiva Hitavah Trust

Annakut Distribution, SGVP – 2023

On the auspicious occasion of 23rd annual Pratistha (Patotsav) Utsav of Shree Ghanshyam Maharaj at Sahjanandam, SGVP Ahmedabad Abhishek was performed in the presence of Sadguru saints, students and Satsangies.

It was followed by delicious Annkut consisting 108 sweets and fried dishes. With the inspiration of Guruvarya Shastri Shree Madhavpriydasji Swami, entire Annakut was distributed as Prasad, among workers, poor people and kids under the guidance of Purani Shree Balkrushnadasji Swami.


