Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishwavidya Pratishthanam

Operated By Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajiva Hitavah Trust

105th Birth ceremony of Pujya Shastriji Maharaj

The second day of month of Ashadh is known as the day of Rathyatra. The day of Rathyatra has great spiritual importance throughout the India. For Gurukul Parivar this day is having much more importance as this is the birthday of Sadguru Shastriji Maharaj Shree Dharmajivandasji Swami – The founder of Gurukul tradition in this current era. To do Bhajan and get others to do Bhajan is one of the main characteristics of Pujya Shastriji Maharaj and of Gurukul. On this day saints, students and devotees perform Bhajan to please Bhagawan Shree Swaminarayan and Pujya Shastriji Maharaj.
On the 105th birthday of Sadguru Shastriji Maharaj….
Gurukul Surat
12,000 Janmangal and 1,00,000 Dandavat
Bhaktachintamani Yagna : Alumni Shree Nathabhai Chodavadiya (Sanjanavav) arranged the Bhaktachintamani Yagna at his home during 28th June to 02nd July, 2006.
Bhaktachintamani (Shanti-path) Yagna: Shree Ashwinbhai Suhagiya arranged for Yagna with the recitation of Shanti-path from Bhkatachintamani on 28th June.
Panchdev Satsang Mandal & Dharmajivan social group jointly arranged 105 group Maha-pooja and assembly at Ankur Vidyabhavan, Surat.
Sankirtan Sarita: Bhagawati Mandal (Surat) arranged for the Sankirtan Sarita (Kirtan Bhakti).
Group Mahapooja: Members of Mahaila-manch arranged for group Mahapooja at two places with minimum 51 devotees at both the places.
Assembly : Ghanshyam Nagar, Shreeji Mandal, Bharat Nagar, Rukshmani Mandal and at Satsang Bhavan special assembly was held to remember inspirational and memorable events from the life of Pujya Shastriji Maharaj.
At both the places of Gurukul, School as well as hostel special assembly was held.
Gurukul Taravada
Rathayatra festival was celebrated during 26-27-28 June, 2006. Bhaktachintamani Anushthan was held for three days. 150 devotees from various places took part in the group recitation of Bhaktachintamani.
On the day of Rathyatra, incessant Dhoon for 105 hours was completed. A Shobha-Yatra with Dhoon-bhajan, was arranged from Gurukul to the birth place of Pujya Shastriji Maharaj.
At Gurukul Taravada primary school is started form the current academic year 2006-07. For the convenience of primary school students a construction of new school building is required. On this pious occasion of Rathayatra, the Bhoomi-poojan ritual for the primary school building was performed with the holy hands of Sadguru Mahant Swami Shree Devkrishnadasji Swami.
Moreover, 105 students separately performed 50 Dandavat, 15 Mala, 100 Pradakshina along with 1,05,000 Mantra lekhan.
Gurukul Navasari
Devotees from surrounding villages performed round-the-clock incessant Dhoon.
Gurukul Rajkot
Incessant Dhoon for 07 hours.
Gurukul Junagadh
42,580 Dandavat, 970 Mala, 6000 Pradakshina, 6,16,750 Mantra-Jap, 818 Janmangal Path.
Gurukul Ahmedabad
Incessant Dhoon for 4.5 hours and special assembly.
14,152 Dandavat, 252 Vishnu-Sahasra Paths, 25,641 Pradakshina, 16,534 Mala, 2158 Janmangal path, 463 Hanuman-Chalisa Path, A yagna with one Sarvamanagal Stottra, 05 Janmangal Paths & 11 Purush-sukta and one Maha-Pooja. Moreover Shobha-yatra was also arranged.
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