Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishwavidya Pratishthanam

Empowered By Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajiva Hitavah Trust

Students Met CM, SGVP

A pleasant meeting with Honourable Chief Minister Shree Narendrabhai Modi
11 March, 2008
The students of Std. IX, Inrenational School of Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishwavidya Pratishthanam, (SGVP) visited Gandhinagar to see the present legislative assembly of Gujarat and its working. 
In the zero hour activity of legislative assembly (Vidhan Sabha) students were delighted by sharing the moments of questionnaire session. After that, they went into the office of Honourable CM Shree Narendrabhai Modi to meet him and asked intelligent questions.
“What is the aim of your life?
In reply, CM said that he wants to serve the downtrodden people of Gujarat. I am not sitting here to rule the state but want to help the people by ushering them into the path of progress.” 
Students : “Do you have fear?
CM : “I am a fearless person. They fear only who do anything wrong. No need to live in fear and if you want the charm of life then do not fear. “ 
“How you deal with time management on this responsible post?”
In reply, Narendra Modi said that only they bother for time who do not have any work. Those, who have lots of work, anyhow manage to get time. Those, who always remain busy and work arduously day and night, for them the question of time management doesn’t arise.” 
Students : “How much efforts you have done to reach at this place?
CM : “It was easy to get this position but to add charm in this post I am working hard. I work for 18 hours daily.” 
Students : “How you feel after becoming CM?”
CM : “This place is awarded by democracy and for that I am really happy. I very much like to meet the children who are having such good culture. Today I am remembering my childhood.”
Students: “What should be done to be a good politician?
CM : “With true efforts one should try to work hard. First decide the goal and then go on moving ahead. God will help you without a shadow of doubt.” 
“What problems you have faced to become the CM?
He said in reply that no problem was there in my way but after becoming CM one has to face the difficulties and to face these difficulties is my pleasure.”
“Who is your inspirational leader?
In response he uttered the name of Benjamin Franklin who is his role model and from his life he learned a lot.” 
Students : “What you expect from us?
CM : “You should be a good citizen. Never do anything wrong. Invoke prayer daily do exercise and yoga every day. You are getting the value education in Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul under the guidance of Pujya Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami and Purani Shree Balkrishnadasji Swami. Therefore, you should live under the guidance of them and be obedient to your parents and saints just to make yourself physically strong and mentally very much tolerant. Let you should be like that and now Jai Shree Swaminarayan to all of you.” 
Students presented a meaningful painting of tiger to CM Shree Narendrabhai Modi. CM accepted it with mysterious smile.
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