Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishwavidya Pratishthanam

Empowered By Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajiva Hitavah Trust

Satsang Bal Shibir

With the inspiration of Sadguruvarya Shastri Shree MAdhavpriyadasji Swami and blessings of Sadguru Purani Swami Shree Bhaktiprakshdasji swami and Sadguru Balkrishnadasji Swami a Sanskar Bal shibir was held during April 28 to May 03, 2013 at SGVP.Over hundred children of age group 12 to 16 from Ahmedabad, Surat and Mumbai enjoyed the Shibir with pleasure to learn with fun. With the traditional learning of Satsang, participants delighted with the training of swimming, horse riding, various competitions and skills. Sadgugruvarya  Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami also encouraged them with motivational blessings and prizes.
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