Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishwavidya Pratishthanam

Empowered By Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajiva Hitavah Trust

Lumpy Skin Disease Medical Campaign SGVP Ribda – 2022

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પરમ પૂજ્ય ગુરુવર્ય શ્રી માધવપ્રિયદાસજી સ્વામીની પ્રેરણાથી, એસજીવીપી SGVP ગુરુકુલ રીબડા (રાજકોટ) દ્વારા ગૌપ્રેમી દાતાઓના સહકારથી લમ્પી રોગથી દુઃખી ગૌમાતા અને ગૌવંશના બચાવ માટે મોબાઈલ પશુ દવાખાના સાથે ૧૫ સ્વયંસેવકો દ્વારા ૨૩ ગામોમાં ૬૨૬ અબોલ ગૌવંશની સારવાર થઈ.

With the inspiration of Param Pujya Guruvrya Shree Mahavpriyadasji Swami, a Medical campaign was arranged by SGVP Gurukul Ribda (Rajkot) with a mobile veterinary clinic and 15 volunteers to serve cows from the Lumpy virus diseases.

veterinary volunteers served day and night for the treatment and 626 cows from 23 villages were saved from the Lumpy virus diseases.

Moreover, Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is an infectious viral disease of cattle caused by a lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV). LSDV is one of the most important animal poxviruses for cattle. The World Organization for Animal Health categorizes LSD as a notifiable disease. The disease is characterized by the eruption of nodules in the skin, which may cover the whole of the animal’s body.

Nonspecific treatment (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and vitamin injections) is usually directed at treating secondary bacterial infections, inflammation, and fever, and improving the appetite of the animal.


