Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishwavidya Pratishthanam

Empowered By Shree Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajiva Hitavah Trust

Kailash Man Sarovar Pulhashran Yatra ( 14 Sep to 02 Oct -2009)

“All my followers shall go on pilgrimage of holy places like Dwarika etc. with due rights…”, As per the Agnya of Shreeji Maharaj (Shikshapatri- 83) Gurukul has successfully set the tradition of pilgrimage through means of trains, bus and other transportations. Along with main four Dham, chief shrines of India, have visited frequently by saints, students and Satsangies. 
As adding the one more feather, with the blessings of Pujyapad Shree Jogi Swamiji, Kailash-Mansarovar and Pulhashram Yatra was arranged with the inspiration and guidance of Sadguru Shastri Sharee Madhavpriyadasji Swami. Along with saints, hundred devotees from India, Africa, UK and US participated in this ever first yatra arranged by Gurukul during September 14 to 01st of October, 2009.
Kathamandu :
Pashupatinath : Kathamandu is famous for several Hindu and Buddhist shrines. One of them is well-known Pashupatinath Temple. After the death of Sati at Yagna of Daksha Prajapati, Lord Shiv wondered here and there with corpse in deep sorrow. The nine pieces of this corpse fell on earth created nine Shakti-Piths. One of these Shakti-piths and Temple of Pashupatinath, one form of Lord Shiv are situated on the bank of holy river Bagmati.
Saints and devotees performed the Darshan – Poojan at Temple and also Rudra-Path, Rudra-Parayan and Abhishek. Poojan of Bagmati River was also performed.
Jal Naraan, also known as Buddha Nilkanth: Here is the Lord Vishnu on the serpent bed. It is believed that Lord Shiv got relief here after drinking the poison came out from the churning of ocean.
Changu Narayan : This is very ancient shrine of Lord Vishnu situated near Kathmandu. Before thousands of Year the temple was made by the king.
Man Sarovar : Situated at the height of 19,500 fts. in the region of Tibet. During the penance for the creation, to solace the feeling of thirsty of Prajapaties (The Sons of Brahma), Brahma created the lake from his mind – Manas, which is well-known as Man-Sarovar.
Kailash : The very fond place of Lord Shankar, Kailash, also known as the abode of Lord Shankar. 
At place Dorchu, the first Darshan of Man Sarovar as well as Kailash becomes possible. All devotees felt the drippy and pleasure with this divine Darshan of Man Sarovar and Kailash Parvat. This was the only grace of Shreeji Maharaj for such great experience of Darshan. Pujya Madhavpriyadasji Swami congratulated all devotees and reminded the devotees to thank Shreeji Maharaj for His unmerited grace causing all kinds of favours of weather, health and Shraddha.
Abhishek of Thakorji was performed with the holy water of Man Sarovar and all participants took the holy bath in the Sarovar and expressed the feeling of great pleasure and satisfaction.
 On the next day Morning, near the bank of Man Sarovar, all Yatriks performed the group Mahapooja and Abhishek of Shree Nilaknth Varni and Lord Shankar. A Yagna was also performed and Aahuties were offered with Janmangal, Purush Sukta, Rudra Mantra, Hanuman mantra and Ganesh Mantra. Pleasure in hearts of all devotees knew no bounds.
By tracking the nearby hill, delightful Darshan of Kailash, Nandi and Ashtapad mountains were performed.
On the next day, 21 Sep. was the first day of Kailash Pradakshina. It takes three days to complete the one pradakshina around Kailash Parvat. It stars from the place known as Yam-Dwar. The first night hold was at Darchen, Parmarth Ashram. Pradakshina on the second day includes steep tracking of Dolmala hill, Gauri kund and hard coming down. On the last day at the end of Pradakshina, Pujya Swamiji welcomed all yatries in an emotional state. Once again heartily thank to Shree Hari for His divine help at every step of Pradakshina.
River Brahmputra : This is a river of great importance since ancient period. Abhishek of Thakorji and bathing in the holy River Brahmputra was done.
Pulhashram : In the divine range of Himalayas, one important shrine for the followers of Shree Swaminarayan Sampraday. Here Bhagawan Shree Swaminarayan Has performed the hard penance for four months as Nilkanth Varni. Well known story of Bharataji (Jad-Bharat), Tapascharya of Pulah Rushi, holy river Gandaki, Shaligram, Muktinath Bhagawan, incessant Jyot (flame) are of much ancient importance in the Indian culture.
Saints and Pandits performed the poojan of Shree Muktinath Bhagawan with Vedic mantras. Abhishek of Thakorji was done in the flow of River Gandaki and yatries had the bath in the 108 flows of River Gandaki. Pujya Purani Swami Shree Bhaktiprakashdasji Swami performed the Yagna at the Tapascharya place of Shree Nilkanth Varni. This may be the first occasion of Yagna at this place.
All Yatriks also visited the nearby Dharmashala (guest house) at Rani-Pauva, where Shree Nilkanth Varni stayed while His penance.
During the entire pilgrimage, all devotees and saints experienced the grace and help of Shreeji Maharaj at every step.
In the Beginning,  as a prayer for safe and successful yatra, Yagnas and Poojan were performed at SGVP
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